Our bodies are marvels. They demand little of us yet floursh in our attention. Attention must be paid.
Our bodes are vehicles of conveyance, intelligence gatherers, mills of foodstuffs, efficient little sewer systems, fuel cells, storing and distributing vital energies, all directed by an on-board computer system whose sophistication is still, in the approaching mid-century, a subject of marvel. Our bodies, our beings, our selves, are works of wonder. Nourish them with your attention, the most valued currency of our age.
Blessing our dimensions
Bless their dimensions and functions with the gift of your attention. Light them up by the part. Bless all the juicy little pumps and tubes and sacs and flows, our beating hearts. Fill them each and all with your breath. Begin with your toes, your feet, your ankles, your limbs and extremities. Feel how they fill and flourish. Sense their living, their filling and emptying, the course of energy within them. Light them up. Light the fireworks of your self. Gift your body with attention. Could this be a meditation, a prayer, a wake up call, the beginning of a class? I think it might.
Blessing our singular abilities
We can celebrate our three dimensionality, our architecture and jointedness. It is only we humanoids and our simian cousins that have the capabilities of throwing, launching, hurling, A game of underhand catch with a rubber ball can teach more of our musical play than many a lesson. While throwing a ball it will be seen and felt how our body’s colonization of our limbs mitigates our freedom and trajectory. The arm, wrist, and hand may be launched in throwing and in playing, whether the play is that of the ball or a musical instrument. The arm must let away from torso. As a classroom teacher you may simply gather the arm of the student as you might take up an infant, and ask the student to allow his or her arm to let away from the torso into freedom. As they do so, you may both count it an immeasurable gift.
Attention must be paid
We are so enormously blessed by our bodies and their propensities. It is at no cost to ourselves and of great benefit to pay them what they’re owed, namely, our attention. Attention must be paid.